Gabriel Knight 1 Walkthrough - The Sierra Help Pages Gabriel Knight 1 Walkthrough DAY 1. Question Grace and get all messages. Pick up the tweezers and the magnifying glass. On the upper-left hand bookshelf, use the HAND icon to read the Heinz Ritter book. Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Father Walkthrough This walkthrough assumes you have already played GK1 and know how to use the icons. This is just a basic outline of what sequences to do on what day to get that extra point. I still don't know what triggers the extra point, but, if you follow this, you should get the extra point. If anyone figures out what thing triggers it, please post on the forum. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father Walkthrough Cheats ...
Прохождение Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. 20th… Спуститесь к бабушке и покажите фотографию: она признает в Риттере своего мужа, деда Гэбриэла. Спросите ее о Хайнце Риттере: бабушка признается, что дед после эмиграции в Америку взял себе новое имя: Харрисон Найт («Ritter» по-немецки и « Knight»... Gabriel Knight : Sins of the Fathers Walkthrough GrandMother Knight's house : -talk to her. -in the attic get the sketchbook and use the clock sitting on the chest. Set the dragon head (outer dial) to the 12 o'clock position and the time hands (inner dial) to 3 o'clock then manipulate the clock key. -show granny the new findings. Walkthrough - Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - Wiki… / Soluces jeux / Gabriel Knight : Sins of the Fathers / Guide et astuces Gabriel Knight : Sins of the Fathers / Solution complète : JOUR DEUX - Wiki de Gabriel Knight : Sins of the ... Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers walkthrough - point list Gabriel Knight 1 - Complete Points ListGabriel Knight 1 - Sins of the Fathers complete points list Day 1 1 Take magnifing glass. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition ... Full list of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition achievements and guides to unlock them. There are 51 Achievements and takes around 12-15 ... Gabriel Knight — Wikipédia
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Hints from UHS. Not your ...